Friday, April 9, 2010

You are my sunset and I'm your silhouette

I remember the day you first told me that I was the girl that had your heart
From that day fourth I knew that nothing would ever come and tear us apart
So many people tried to warn me about you
Said that i should never trust you, but so stupid me I
Didn't listen and I let myself go fall in love with you

(What happend to us) You supposed to be my future
Bought the ring and had to take right back
(Were you really in love) or was I just a game
To prove to yourself you could get me (Yeah)

Your more beautiful than anything in this world
More precious than the rarest diamond or pearl
And even though we didnt work out together.. Your still my sunset
And i know that you and I are two worlds apart
But you will always be the one to have my heart
I'm gonna love you THEN, NOW, and FOREVER ... Cuz your my sunset

Your innocent smile used to drive me wild even though you aint innocent at all
And now i feel so stupid cuz I'm the only girl that ever loved you even with all your faults
Even your bestfriend questions why i still would be with you after knowing your past
But what she didnt understand is knowing your past is why i thought we could last

(What happend to us) We had something special
What? was i not good enough for you
(Were you really in love) Can't show mine was fine
Cuz without trying i still ended up hurting you (And Im sorry)

>>MY SUNSET - Marques Houston<<


  1. ho oh.. pantai logending & pintu tol plumbon (cirebon) kan pernah upload di fesbuk
    lama gak ngempi.. gak da bahan pulak
    jd upload barang basi ajah wkwkwkkkk....

  2. Uplot disinih jg... Kirain2 poto2 prewedna ndahdien hehehe..

  3. mudah2an bisa dapet sunset kayak gini... :D

  4. husshh harramm itu ri
    postwed ajah ^^

  5. lempar C* dulu buuu
    upss jd ketauan deh suka lempar2 C* :">
